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Hannah Montana has grown to be a worldwide phenomenon without a doubt. If you don't know who Hannah Montana is then ask any kid, boy or girl, big or small. You will be surprised that most children are not only familiar with Hannah but they have grown into real fans. Hannah Montana is an extremely popular American television show which had it's debut in 2006 on Disney Channel.
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The TV show centers around a teenager named Miley Stewart who lives a double life. During daytime, Miley is a normal teenager who attends school and at night, Miley becomes Hannah Montana - a famous popstar adored by millions of fans worldwide. The TV show has made Miley Cyrus, the girl behind the character the most popular teenager in the world! No wonder this popular TV show has a global audience of more than two hundred million people. Miley Cyrus is also a talented pop singer and songwriter. The show has had many nominees and has won important awards over the years, such as the Teen Choice Awards and the Kids Choice Awards.
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Along with the TV show, a growing trend are Hannah Montana games which can be played online. The Internet features tens if not hundreds of games featuring Hannah as character and Miley Cyrus as a teenage superstar. The games are a hot trend in many countries around the world and are being played by hundreds of thousands of kids and teenagers every month.
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The most popular and sought after games featuring Hannah are dress-up type games. If you don't know dress-up games, they are another Internet phenomenon. With dress-up games, children - especially girls get to select a wide range of clothing (dresses, shirts or skirts, pants, shoes) as well as accessories for dolls which resemble their favourite female superstars or for regular dolls. Not only that, but it's also possible to select the hair, make up and other beauty related styles. The possibility of combinations is only limited by the number of clothing, accessories and beauty elements featured by each game. There are also other types of games featuring Hannah such as online puzzles and trivia games.
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Hannah Montana games are fun and entertaining for girls who get the chance to dress up their favourite teenage celebrity while experiencing with creativity and uniqueness at the same time. With Hannah Montana games, every girl can dream about being a celebrity fashion designer!
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I recently decided to give Twitter a try. Facebook had become too involved for me and I figured that 140 characters or less was right around the ideal amount of interaction I was looking for from strangers online. So I signed up. And like most things in life it has been educational. Even after just a week I have learned a lot. I'd like to share some of my new found wisdom with all of you.
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Paris Hilton is Her Own Biggest Fan There are dozens of Twitter pages dedicated to Paris Hilton and all of them have one thing in common: Paris is following ALL of them. I guess being a world-renowned sex symbol, mega TV star and heiress to a millions just isn't always enough, some days you need to read tweets about yourself written by total strangers who know nothing about who you really are to feel alive.
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Commander Data is now a sex symbol. The android Data was quite possibly the least sexiest person on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Or maybe he was sexy and I just missed it because I was too busy fantasizing about Counsellor Troi 'getting inside my head'. Either way Brent Spiner, the actor who played Data, has now via Twitter and possibly dilithium crystals, become a total ladies man. He's actually wearing a corduroy sports jacket and holding a martini in his profile picture, and judging from the responses his tweets are getting the women are LOVING it. This just goes to show that you can't judge a book by it's cover or a robot by it's organically-blended, radioactively de-atomized, imitation skin.
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