Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jennifer lopez hot 08

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It's never ending Jessica Simpson totes a Vuitton bag, Courtney Cox is seen in Instyle wearing a beautiful Prada dress, Hilary Swank heads down the runway wearing Calvin Klein. If that's not enough Paris Hilton arrives on the scene with Chanel sunglasses while Jennifer Lopez is seen with Fendi.

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Whether it's Versace, Chanel, Vuitton, Gucci, Dior, Calvin Klein, Prada or Fendi, how the heck is the average woman going to be able to stay in style like the stars.

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Let's face it. Although we dream about owning that beautiful Vuitton handbag or that Prada dress. For most of us that's about as far as it goes. Most of these items start in the mid hundreds of dollars and easily climb to a value of over $5000, for just one piece.

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For the stars there is no worry about saving to buy those designer items. For them price is no object as they freely dole it out for what ever their heart desires.

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But it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out most of us will never own these items. So what do we do? Well that's easy.

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You and I buy items that look a lot like the designer items. Many call these knock offs and that they are but please realize there are licensed copies and then there are copies that infringe on copyrights.

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We do not condone any company that infringes on copyrights. We do however encourage you to shop for items that made similar to the items we see the stars wearing. It's the only way we an look like a million bucks on our shoe string budgets.

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As you flip through this months Vogue or Instyle you are going to see some wonderful fashions that you are just going to have to have for the fall. Don't worry within the next few weeks similar styles will be arriving at a boutique or Walmart near year. You can look as good as the stars for a fraction of the cost.

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After all are your friends of co-workers going to notice your purse isn't quite the same shape or fabric. Are they going to notice that the dress has a slightly different cut neck or length. I think not. You'll be close enough for most to think you've suddenly got designer taste.

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So what are you waiting for? It's going to be a hot fashion season and you are going to be a fashion goddess this season with some savvy shopping.